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قديم 21-07-2023, 09:12 AM   #1

الصورة الرمزية الاستاذ

الملف الشخصي
رقــم العضويـــة : 12
تـاريخ التسجيـل : Oct 2010
العــــــــمـــــــــر :
الـــــدولـــــــــــة : العراق
االمشاركات : 13,349

افتراضي Speech of Al-Sayyid Muqtada Al-Sadr on 20/7/2023

The speech of the leader Al-Sayyid Muqtada Al-Sadr about b.urning the Holy Quran and Iraqi flag on 20/7/2023
In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful
I have some points to bring up to you
B.urning the Holy Quran and Iraqi flag in month of Muharram Al-Haram makes the case more comprehensive and larger, it pervades all Islamic doctrines; hence I call all Islamic doctrines to stand together to support the religion and doctrine
Another important point, I heard the denunciation of Am.erica about b.urning and entering Swedish embassy in beloved Baghdad, I say
The state of te.rrorism and g.ay has no right to denounce such popular spontaneous action, it was better for it to denounce b.urning the Holy Quran in Sweden and vio.lating on the religions and doctrines and agitating the vi.olence; it is said that there is tre.spassing on the security forces in Swedish embassy, I say: no, there isn’t any tres.passing and the security forces don’t defend the embassy of those who b.urn the Holy Quran and g.ays whereas the people are with security forces and security forces are with the people
I didn’t want to escalate the situation after bu.rning the Holy Quran once again and b.urning the Iraqi flag because the improper lineage raised my picture also therefore I didn’t like to make a personal reaction, the escalation will be in another time if this matter was repeated
I call Organization of Islamic Cooperation for meeting immediately about bu.rning the Holy Quran and to support Islam, also I call League of Arab States for meeting about this matter in Iraq or outside Iraq for supporting Islam
I hope from Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Islamic republic of Iran to take stronger attitude
I call the world’s countries to enact law which cr.iminalize b.urning the Holy Quran and consider it a te.rroristic cr.ime as tr.espassing on Semitic and the LGBT society is considered a c.rime therefore b.urning the Holy Quran should be considered a cr.ime, otherwise it will be duplicity in standards of democracy and freedom
B.urning the Holy Quran will increase the disagreements in the world and destabilize the global security but in the same time it will be deterring from nor.malization with Is.rael, the Islamic and Arab countries are angry and they will not nor.malize with Is.rael from now on
There is dullness in Islamic peoples in supporting Islam and Holy Quran, I call them for serious and real attitude for supporting Islam
There is important matter, off.ending to the Holy Quran was in Sweden and there is no indication that Swedish people are against Quran and Iraq in bur.ning the Iraqi flag , we are against Swedish government not against Swedish people whereas we have good relation with them if Allah wills
Also bu.rning the Holy Quran by a Christian doesn’t mean that he represents all Christians because Christians are our brothers in religion and in all world not in Iraq only, the government should protect the Christians inside Iraq
In European countries especially Sweden, we didn’t see any response from the peoples about b.urning the Holy Quran and supporting it; therefore I call them in month of Muharram Al-Haram to hold Hussaini rites in Europe, in all Europe especially in Sweden for supporting the Holy Quran, Islam and doctrine
I’m sorry, I can’t answer your questions may Allah reward you the best reward









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