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Statements and answers of questions of AL-Sayed Muqtada AL-Sader (Allah supports him Publish what write in papers only

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قديم 16-12-2015, 02:25 AM   #1

الصورة الرمزية طالب علم

الملف الشخصي
رقــم العضويـــة : 333
تـاريخ التسجيـل : Jul 2011
العــــــــمـــــــــر :
الـــــدولـــــــــــة : دولة الموعود
االمشاركات : 2,084

ختم Attack Circumstances Against Ahlulbayt Followers in Nigeria, Statement of Al-sayed Muqtada Al-Sadr 14-12-2015


IN the Name of God

The dangerous thing when the ideas of Daash (ISIS) reach to governments, their aspects and armies. The daesh (ISIS) ideas be government behaviors is more danger than its concerning with military organization without official coverage.
What happen today, by state of terrorism and terrorism of state in Nigeria is dangerous thing in two points:
First: the government has converted to Daesh, or behave as Daesh manner, or gives Daesh green light to kill Ahlulbayt followers without any reason except their belief in Allah (All-Mighty and All-wise), his prophet and his pure family(peace be upon them).
Second: attack citizens from supporters oh Sheikh Al-Zakzaky (Allah protect him) and arrest, hide or kill him and his deputy and his supporters intentionally without any reason. If their sin was the opposition so, where are the freedom and democracy!
Therefore, this attack contrary to the legitimate, mental, constitutional, and international norms and it exacerbates the sectarian affliction and anyone afflicts the believing men and women and then have not repented will have the punishment of Hell, and they will have the punishment of the Burning Fire.
We're in Al-Hawza (Najaf) claim Nigerian government to reveal the place of Sheikh Al-Zakzaky and release him and reveal the circumstances of incident and investigate with all killers even if they belong to the security corps of that government.
Then, I instruct the Iraqi people followings:
First: do mass demonstration after the next Friday prayer (anyone should not neglect).
Second: raise the image of Sheikh Al-Zakzky and his deputy the martyr 'Sheikh Touri'', who killed by governmental Daesh (ISIS), in Najaf and Karbala and other cities.
Third: if possible, sent delegation from the government and Al-Hawza to investigate the facts and also claiming the international organizations to stop these attacks.
[align=right]Muqtada Al-Sadr
The Second of Rabi Al awwal 1437










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التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة طالب علم ; 16-12-2015 الساعة 02:59 AM
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