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Islamic Cultural AL-sadr Forum .Related in the subjects that explain the right culture of islam

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قديم 02-10-2023, 08:41 PM   #1

الصورة الرمزية الاستاذ

الملف الشخصي
رقــم العضويـــة : 12
تـاريخ التسجيـل : Oct 2010
العــــــــمـــــــــر :
الـــــدولـــــــــــة : العراق
االمشاركات : 13,350

افتراضي Celebrating in the prophet birthday

Celebrating in the prophet birthday…..The speech of Al-Sayyid Muqtada Al-Sadr in his official account on 2/10/2023
In the name of Allah
How beautiful when Muslims commemorate a day from Allah’s days in celebrating, supplication and prayer, it is the birthday of the best messengers and the last of the messengers, the master of two worlds Muhammad, blessings of Allah be upon him and upon his family
Celebrating in this day in a way which satisfies Allah(glory to Him) is the best meanings of love and loyalty to the messenger of Heaven, and anyone forbids the celebration has no loyalty!? What is the worthier to be celebrated for it!? Docking of Noah’s Ark (peace be upon him) or birthday of the best creatures?! The salvation of Moses (peace be upon him) or birthday of master of the two worlds!? If you said of impossibility of doing what the messenger and his companions didn’t do it in his life (blessings of Allah be upon him and upon his family) so why do you normalize with Isr.ael and the honorable verse said: You will certainly find the Jews and the polytheists as the greatest en.emies of the Muslims; and you will find the closest in friendship to the Muslims those who said, “We are Christians”; that is because scholars and monks are among them, and they are not proud
The strangest thing that the (Islamic) Arab countries celebrate in the New Year and never celebrate in the Prophet birthday! If you proved the possibility of celebrating in Ashura’ in his age (blessings of Allah be upon him and upon his family) so it is a permission to celebrate in his birthday but it is worthier to be celebrated. Yes, celebrating in prophet birthday is celebrating in guidance, Islam, faith, lightening the earth with light of its God, righteousness, reformation and enraging the en.emies of Allah, Allah said: and the step they tread on a place that angers the disbelievers, and whatever harm they cause the en.emy – a good deed is recorded for them in lieu of all of these; indeed Allah does not waste the wages of the virtuous
Also celebrating in the prophet birthday is as reminding of Allah and His days and the greatest days of Allah and His messenger (blessings of Allah be upon him and upon his family) and it is as enjoining to the good and forbidding the wrong whereas remembering the best creatures benefits us (his lovers) to derive from his method, Sunna and his biography and what a great biography. It is a celebration in infallibility, message, prophecy, reformation and good ethics. Yes, the one who forbids the celebration, he wants to satisfy his masters from the ene.mies of religion and doctrine. O Allah, we disown from them till Doomsday and peace upon those who follow guidance
Muqtada Al-Sadr









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