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قديم 27-04-2016, 06:08 PM   #1

الصورة الرمزية الاستاذ

الملف الشخصي
رقــم العضويـــة : 12
تـاريخ التسجيـل : Oct 2010
العــــــــمـــــــــر :
الـــــدولـــــــــــة : العراق
االمشاركات : 13,368

افتراضي The nation of Iraq is the best nations...By Ali Al-Zaidi

The nation of Iraq is the best nations
By Ali Al-Zaidi

Peace be upon you, O a lofty nation
Peace be upon you, the hand of reformation touches you, fraught with the care of Allah without partitions then you prevailed over them by incomparable victory.
Peace be upon you, it is seen to your heroism and to your love for the peace and freedom which fill eyes now and in previous, would that the tongues refrain from what they say that’s you don’t have only the past and still praise in it and don’t have any culture and glory only it, they should see to us in sight of the fair present to see that how this nation connects with the past by all its cultures whereas he is for us and we emanate today, this nation prevails by his will which destroyed the block of corruption, so congratulations for him this victory, today a great heroic from the heroics of patience and faithfulness were written, we didn’t see patience and faithfulness as your patience and faithfulness, patience and faithfulness that confuse the minds, neither the sun by its heat can prevent you nor women and children veil you, but on the contrary you come to demonstrate and sit-in with him comply with your leader. Since the early morning you are existent in Al-Tahreer (liberation) square shout for your Iraq and look for what your leader will say whereas you admit that his words is balm for your wounds which was bleed by bayonets of corruption. Your waiting continued for long days till you reach to this day that your standing continued several hours under the burning flame of sun and the heat of narrow Baghdad streets with fewness of water and services, but oh! What your high determination, heaviness of your bearing and the greatness of your sincerity. Where are the historians? Where are those who analyze the personality of Iraq persons unjustly and falsely even they want to make them feel by the inferiority because the large talking in this subject
Now by this patience, highness and refusing the corruption the time has come for the original Iraqi to reply on these fibs and fabricates whereas he is existent in place that just those whose their hearts fill by faith, loving, bravery and loyalty to their leader and country be existent in this place to be the stick which swallowing up their fabrications to end this terror which was made by the magic of corruptors to make the hearts and the eyes of people imagine that their threats move in their bloods. So these steps, patience and loyalty is indication that precede the appearance of Al-Mahdi to prove (this nation) that they are able to support Al-Imam Al-Mahdi (peace of Allah be upon him) worthily then bear the high responsibilities to pull out from their events what the repair and correct it whereas the nation who could face and reform the large corruption government in the world, certainly all the problems inside and outside Iraq are easier if the pillow was bended for them and what it was corrupted in these countries will be reformed easily. The policy of arrogance gathered to give its poisons in Iraq from cunning, power and lying promises but the wisdom and acumen of Al-Sayyed the leader Muqtada Al-Sader faced them by men who were the best helpers and supporters were known in these ages and the arrogant men could not complete what they corrupted in the Iraq, so Al-Iraq remains high and the other countries will not rise on him.

In front of the red zone

Ali Al-Zaidi
Eighteen of Rajab 1437 A.H.
Twenty sixth of April 2016









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