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قديم 17-02-2017, 06:04 AM   #1

الصورة الرمزية الاستاذ

الملف الشخصي
رقــم العضويـــة : 12
تـاريخ التسجيـل : Oct 2010
العــــــــمـــــــــر :
الـــــدولـــــــــــة : العراق
االمشاركات : 13,353

بقلمي The reformation will not stop in my country \By Ali Al-Zaidi

The reformation will not stop in my country \By Ali Al-Zaidi
One year passed on the demonstration and the sit-in, and its prominent characteristic is that it is peaceful, and it still call (peaceful, peaceful, peaceful) to prove {the nation} for the world that he is nation loves the humanity whatever the spiteful and the greedy people try to end this meaning in our oppressed Iraq
One year passed and those who call for the reformation in every day passes; their determination increases and also their clinging to their demand, and their resolution doesn’t become weak, their patience intensifies, and their obedience increases, and the feeling with the responsibility which is thrown on their shoulders urges them to walk in this way in spite of that it may be long
One year passed, and our bloods flew in river of martyrdom, and our wounds increases by bullets of the corruptors who domineered in front of our peace and our sacrifice for this peaceful and because of their knowledge, but their belief in this peace they persist, persist, persist in it, in spite of they didn’t throw envelope of one bullet on who dared and occupied the land of Iraq and its waters in the North, South, East and West
One year passed and the home calls the zealous from the men to save him from this parasitic expansion, ignorant who have greed, liars, and don’t have belonging to their home, and they were formed on the cowardliness and on the non-zealous even that their origin became black as the black ink, you don’t hope from them the returning to a rationality nor hope to the repentance, but whenever they see silence their farness from what Allah natured them increases, neither the comfort of the hereafter coveted them nor its threat frightened them nor voice of the mind prevents them, nor an conscience settle an account with them, they love the present life and prostrated for it and saturated their black foreheads by its transient dirtiness, how bad is their deed
On year passed and hearts of the mothers who were bereaved of a sons, widows, fathers and sons increase with the sadness, and the pain press them, then they shed continuous tears, explosions and terrorism, and killing for personal benefit that the corruptors work for that, and if they recommended for that they will not get better than what they were on it.
On year passed and the poverty, lack, ignorance and illnesses became case of my country that he is known by them, the corruptors wanted to make our country as thus to be proud, prostrate in front of their masters with what they made and destructed, would that ! they knew that with whom they derided and faced by their foolishness, but Allah leave them to wander blindly in their rebellion
On year passed and wealth of the corruptors increase, and their sins fill the world by the dirtiness and the lowness, whenever a day passes they made desperate efforts in it to the theft, they open their open mouths, and expand their tall tongues to lick everything in our country to be Yajoj and Majoj of Iraq
Ali Al-Zaidi









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التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة خادم البضعة ; 18-02-2017 الساعة 07:13 PM
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