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Islamic Cultural AL-sadr Forum .Related in the subjects that explain the right culture of islam

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قديم 02-01-2020, 04:19 PM   #1

الصورة الرمزية الاستاذ

الملف الشخصي
رقــم العضويـــة : 12
تـاريخ التسجيـل : Oct 2010
العــــــــمـــــــــر :
الـــــدولـــــــــــة : العراق
االمشاركات : 13,354

افتراضي The worship months

The worship months

The society became far from Allah Glory to Him then Allah has forsaken them, this agrees with His saying: (And it will be said, "This day We shall forsake you, the way you had forgotten the confronting of this day of yours and your destination is the fire, and you do not have any supporter"). So O people believe in Allah and the Last Day and don’t forget remembrance of Allah whereas Allah said: (And do not be like those who forgot Allah –He therefore put them into hardship making them forget themselves; it is they who are the sinners). So don’t be from the inattentive and from those who made their religion and worldly life a sport and pastime whereas Allah said: (People who made their religion a sport and pastime, and whom the worldly life deceived; so this day We will disregard them, the way they had neglected their confronting of this day, and the way they used to deny Our signs). Would you ask yourselves if we forget Allah and He made us forget ourselves as in His saying: (The hypocrite men and women are all the same; enjoining wrong and forbidding right, and being tight-fisted; they have forgotten Allah, so Allah has forsaken them; indeed the hypocrites-it is they who are really disobedient) and so. Yes, if Allah has forsaken a slave he will deprive him from His mercy, favor and forgiveness, and He will make him trust in his self that inclines to the evil them it will be door to the inattention, excess, debauchery, disobedience and hypocrisy which lead to the torture and trial. And if we want to investigate in what happened in the society we will see those who remember Allah Glory to Him from men and women and didn’t leave their worship for Allah that they worship Allah whilst upon an edge, it means they want His good only, then if some good occurs to them, they are satisfied; and if some trial comes, they turn back their heels, so whoever turns back on his heel does not cause any harm to Allah; and Allah will soon reward the thankful. And from them who worship Allah due to the fear and so. But the real worship is (worship of love) and obedience to the Beloved whether good or trial occurs to him, and it is they who have succeeded. Their Lord gives them the glad tidings of His mercy and His pleasure, and the Gardens in which are everlasting favors for them. So O people! Don’t make the present life the highest hope whereas all of you return to Him, so seek for His satisfaction and Paradise and avoid His anger. And know that most of you make the present life their aim even in the worship as those who dissemble or make jihad as aim for the policy and money or make the demand for reformation a worldly benefit or make the science a worldly position or make service for the people and visitors as demand and gain for their appetite and fame and so on. But make all of your deeds, obedience, worship and work pure for Him to be successful, may Allah remove the trial from us and you and give the mercy in the present life and afterlife. And be patient on His trial whereas He put the trial on you due to your desert and to remove some of torture in the hereafter, maybe to save you.

These are (the worship months) so be sincere to Allah, leave the suspicion and forbidden matters, and increase from the invocation, forgiveness, prayer, fasting and worship in the night by pure hearts, flourishing minds, pure souls and high spirits in order that Allah sends His blessings and mercy and to keep you away from His anger and trial, and if you worshiped him without fear or greed then it is better and purer for you then I say: O Allah don’t make me wish for present life that the lord of guardians renounced it nor for present life that the best guardian was oppressed in it nor for present life that the last guardian is hidden in it nor for present life that we deprived in it from the holy men and the virtuous nor for present life that is less than sneeze of the she-goat which no good in it just Your satisfaction O Lord of all the worlds.The last invocation is all the praise to Allah on His grace and trial whereas Allah knows best for the benefits and evils, and toward Him only ascends the pure good, and He raises high the pious deed, and the good deed will not be wasted. Purity and Supremacy are to Him from what they utter, a Great Supremacy! I finish by His saying

Those men, whom neither any bargain nor any trade distracts from the remembrance of Allah and from establishing the prayer and from paying the charity, they fear the day when the hearts and the eyes will be overturned

The seeker for satisfaction of Allah

Muqtada Al-Sadr









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