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قديم 17-09-2016, 08:59 AM   #1

الصورة الرمزية الاستاذ

الملف الشخصي
رقــم العضويـــة : 12
تـاريخ التسجيـل : Oct 2010
العــــــــمـــــــــر :
الـــــدولـــــــــــة : العراق
االمشاركات : 13,349

بقلمي Arrest or Assassination: part five\ By Ali Al-Zaidi

Arrest or Assassination: part five\ By Ali Al-Zaidi

so the legal excuse is not right by this title therefore the investigator will choose another legal excuse to prison the honorable resistors, and here there will be a big role for the lie, falsehood and the whips of tortures in distortion of facts and replace them by fibs to be able to arrest the honorable resistor, and this is the unjust the same that neither the Sharia of heaven satisfies with it nor the positive law, whereas the Sharia of heaven gave the resistor the sign of mujahid when he is alive, and the sign of martyrdom when he dies by weapon of enemy, and the sign of patience if he is arrested in the prisons, and all of these are badges of honor, so why do some people want to destroy this divine bestow and try to change its concept falsely? In spite of that the direct causing for the arrest allege that they are from the known religious sides, then if you are amazed, then indeed the amazement is at their saying that, so the case should be continue as it is now, and we are as Iraqis and brothers live on this love homeland that neither religion nor sect nor nationalism separate us; we should work together to release our arrested brothers from the prison of injustice and corruption because they were and still a symbol of dignity, honor and heroism for us therefore it is dishonorable to sit on one's hand against them, and Al-Sayyid Muqtada Al-Sadr still see them by that high title and he doesn’t satisfy to be released by way that they are be equal with the releasing of terrorists, criminals and killers, but they should be released by title of dignity and they deserve it whereas the terrorism and criminals have their especial titles and marks which don’t relate to the honorable resistance , and if it doesn’t happen then the honorable arrested from Al-Sadr's followers should be patient till Allah permits or Allah may complete a thing that must be done. Before ending the research I would like to explain a matter for the honorable resistors that’s: O the honors when you resisted the occupier you knew that you will face the difficulties and you will bear the results whatever they are which from important of them are
First: you defeat the occupier and take them out from Iraq land
Second: you get the martyrdom
Third: the victory will not achieve directly and they may be arrested you or you live the pain of bearing the behaviors of the oppressors and because your knowing with that you didn’t face the stronger force in the world
According to the first point, if the victory achieves then it is the wanted
According to the second point, it is one of the two good things either the victory or the martyrdom (say, what do you wait for to happen to us, except one of the two good things? And for you, we look forward to Allah afflicting you with a punishment from himself or by our hands; so wait, we too await with you) Surah: Al-Taubah (The Repentance) \52
And according to the third point, that's bearing the difficulties and be patient on hardships which the most severe are the arrest pain in the prisons of oppressors, pain of separation, sadness of long night and memories of family or hope precedes the desperate steps under government of Bani Al-Abbas and politicized judiciary which the boys play by it
O my honorable resistors brothers you will stay high stars in sky of Iraq and symbol for dignity, heroism and honor, and any agent or coward or spiteful cannot pull out this title from you. So, bear and be patient on what Allah ordained on you whereas you will get much good presently or in the future, and maybe the arrest keep you from riots which your oppressed nation live, and know that your leader Al-Sayyid Muqtada Al-Sadr doesn’t want for you just the good, highness and dignity in the present and afterlife
Finally let's repeat the invocation of this holy verse (Our Lord! Do not seize us if we forget or are mistaken; our Lord and do not place on us a heavy burden {responsibility} as You did on those before us; our Lord! And do not impose on us a burden, for which we do not have the strength; and pardon us -and forgive us- and have mercy on us- You are our Master, therefore help us against the disbelievers) Surah: Al-Baqarah (The Cow) \286
Seventeenth of Dhi Al-Qi'da 1437A.H
Twentieth of August 2016
Ali Al-Zaidi









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