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Islamic Cultural AL-sadr Forum .Related in the subjects that explain the right culture of islam

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قديم 16-05-2021, 09:04 AM   #1

الصورة الرمزية الاستاذ

الملف الشخصي
رقــم العضويـــة : 12
تـاريخ التسجيـل : Oct 2010
العــــــــمـــــــــر :
الـــــدولـــــــــــة : العراق
االمشاركات : 13,354

افتراضي Speech of Al-Sayyid Muqtada Al-Sadr in the protest to denounce the Zionist occupation

The speech of Al-Sayyid Muqtada Al-Sadr which was given in Al-Tahreer square in Baghdad in the protest to denounce the Zionist occupation and support the Palestinian people on 15/5/2021
In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Allah said: (O people who believe! If you help the religion of Allah, He will help and will stabilize you) O Allah help our people and dears in Palestine Al-Mujahida and stabilize their feet and drive away the evil of terrorist Zionist from them by Muhammad and his family.Having said that, it is a grievous and shameful that a group from Israeli Jews are able and dominate on the believers, they try to displace the citizens from their houses where they dwell in them since ten years from one side and from another side, Zionist terrorist armed group dominate on the sanctuaries specifically on Holy Quds and monopolize it for specific religion and class forgetting that Al-Quds is for all religion.Between this and that, the dirty Zionist claim democracy and freedom and its slogan and state bear religious name unfortunately, which religion does satisfy to trespass on those who stay in the mosque for worshipping and on the prayers??And which democracy does satisfy to displace the residents and civilians ?Yes, Israel tries hardly to reconcile with Arabs or Muslims through normalization with some states which the financial and economic interests control them and the like, but at the same time it wants to subject and kneel the oppressed peoples especially the Mujahid Palestinian people and noble people of Al-Quds but how far the abjectness from us, Allah and His messenger refuse that to us and to them, by Allah we will not kneel and they will not kneel just to Allah the One, the Dominant above all
Allah said: (And We decreed for the Descendants of Israel in the Book that, you will indeed create great turmoil in the earth twice and you surely become very proud) But Allah promised the believers to triumph over them later; if He intends a thing is to command it, "Be" and it thereupon happens whereas Allah said: (So when the first of those promises came, We sent upon you Our extremely militant bondmen – they therefore entered the cities pursuing you; and this was a promise that had to be fulfilled) Yes, the promise of Allah is fulfilled, here are the brave Mujahidoon make the terrorist Zionist taste a mighty prowess and unprecedented strength whereas they made them taste the abjectness and frightened them according to Allah speech: And keep ready for them the maximum of forces you can and the maximum number of horses you can keep tethered in order to instill awe in the hearts of those who are the enemies of Allah and who are your enemies
O Allah help Al-Mujahidoon, direct their shoot, stabilize their feet, descend the strength and tranquility to terrorize Your enemy, our enemy and their enemy, we are with them, support them in their good and bad, Al-Quds is to us not to the others, it is our case we sacrifice the dearly and precious things for it.Yes, Al-Quds is Quds of Allah's prophets Moses who talks with Allah, Jesus the spirit of Allah, Muhammad the messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon all of them) we will not deviate from that, all have believed in Allah, His Books and His messengers, we do not make any distinction between anyone from them Here are the peoples revolt once again after some rulers tried to silence their voices but their national and religious conscience and feelings are higher than their money, weapon, authority and chairs sure, therefore we see the peoples in Lebanon and Jordan rushed to help the Holy Quds and occupied Palestine and the other people will revolt if Allah wills, here is Iraq of Al-Mujahideen, Iraq of Ali and Al-Hussein, Iraq Abi Hanifa and Al-Gaylani support and demonstrate for you with eagerness and might to help you and raise your grievance and for your return and liberate the Holy Quds and drive away the ghost of Zionist- America from you, there is no difference between Shiite and Sunni in facing the Zionist and inauspicious trinity and drive it away from our countries and stealing our rights, protecting our sanctuaries and defending on ourselves, our dignity and pride
O the Mujahid Palestinian people and O brave mujahidoon, greeting from me and Allah mercy and blessings upon you, I pray to Allah to unite us to defeat our common enemy and Allah is the Guardian of believers
Your brother / Muqtada Al-Sadr









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