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Statements and answers of questions of AL-Sayed Muqtada AL-Sader (Allah supports him Publish what write in papers only

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قديم 11-03-2015, 09:23 PM   #1

الصورة الرمزية الطالب

الملف الشخصي
رقــم العضويـــة : 374
تـاريخ التسجيـل : Aug 2011
العــــــــمـــــــــر :
الـــــدولـــــــــــة : العراق
االمشاركات : 5,133

ختم The Visit of the Ambassador of America to the Shrine of Imam Ali- Refrenda of AL-Sayed Muqtada AL-Sadr 7 - 3 - 2015

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To AL-Sayed Muqtada AL-Sader
Peace be upon you

A few days ago, we have heard that the ambassador of the government of terrorism has come to AL-Najaf and entered to the holy shrine of Imam Ali by an invitation of one of AL-Najaf figures. It is strange thing that no one deprecates this visitation but it was considered as a normal thing; some people welcomed him and they forgot all the attitudes of America which are against Iraq and against other Islamic Arab countries.

We want to know your opinion about this visitation.

In the name of God

We have several comments:

One: I don’t think that the people of AL-Najaf have invited him, I demand from them to denounce this visitation in order to keep the reputation of their holy city pure.

Two: The competent and official authorities in Najaf should condemn and apologize to Imam Ali (P.B.U.H.) and to religious guides (dead or alive) because of this visitation.

Three: I am surprised that no one of those who belong to the Jihad way denounce that...so I demand from them to collect millions signs to denounce this action.. especially that we ordered them to demonstrate in such visit, especially if this happens in AL-Najaf .

Four: The visit of this terrorist man has many purposes:

1: To make a convergence between America and Shia, but he is a liar without any doubt, and here I declare that I am innocent in front of God and nation from this ominous visit.

2: It is considered an American occupation control on that province… from here I say: if this visit repeats again… I will have a reply against it (I keep it to myself).

Five: His entrance to the shrine of Imam Ali and expel his visitors (Imam Ali's visitors) was the great disaster… from here, the people of AL-Najaf should declare a national mourning and should publish the blackness for three days.

All people should know that the ambassador and his country are the main cause of the suffering of Iraq from the terrorism which came after their occupation of our holy lands, and every blood which was and still bleeding from citizens, Mujahedeen from : mobilization of people, the army, and the Iraqi police; all that are because the occupation.. and they're still supporting the terrorism, extremism, and the shameless militias, so you have to know that please .

Muqtada AL-Sader










التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة طالب علم ; 15-03-2015 الساعة 02:02 AM
الطالب غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس

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