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قديم 24-08-2019, 10:04 AM   #1

الصورة الرمزية الاستاذ

الملف الشخصي
رقــم العضويـــة : 12
تـاريخ التسجيـل : Oct 2010
العــــــــمـــــــــر :
الـــــدولـــــــــــة : العراق
االمشاركات : 13,351

افتراضي Test of the Heaven

Test of the Heaven
The demand of evidence for (the Invisibles –Hidden-) doesn’t remain limited for those who claim (the science), whereas a lot of people even those who believe with the invisibles may need an evidence on some Invisible matters, and this matter included all matters which related to the Invisibles as orders, decisions, religions, beliefs, heavenly sharia and so
Then the customary thing is: if there isn't material evidence on anything then it is either (lying) or (imposture) or (superstition) or with better supposition it is either (illusion) or (underdevelopment) or just customs that the person is compelled on it or as: we saw our fathers did that therefore we follow them
Yes many people protest against the (Invisibles) by the (science), if he saw anything in the science support the Invisibles then it will be incentive for interest and work to prove and develop it then agree with it. But if the (Invisibles) don’t agree with the (science) then it proves that this invisible matter is null even Existence of Allah
I don't opposite the science whereas we are who believe in the Invisibles correlate with the science and protest against the others by it, it is unavoidable
But we the followers of the Invisibles believe with perfect belief in the science and need it to prove what we and the other want equally. But the (science) in it need to prove itself sometimes, and what agree with the material sciences is right mostly
But what it should pay attention and understanding it is distinction between two important matters (the material science) and (the immaterial science). And maybe the first matter is what we need to know, understand and prove matters, from them are
First: proving the sensed material matter as proving existence of a person inside the room, or proving the chemical matters and so
Second: proving the worldly matters even if it was not tangible as proving the mathematical theories or physical or others
Third: proving the sensible matters, I mean the feelings and psychopathy matters and physiological especially what happen inside the body as high diabetes and low blood pressure and so
And all that is proved by the both sides whereas each material matter needs another material matter to prove it especially if (who proves), (what he proves it) and (whom he proves for him) are from the material world
And it is concentrated in the life matters which we need to prove the life and its continuation as in the science of medicine, space, agriculture and so
And if we want to take progress step we should know that the (science) is infinite, it means if the science reached to an evidence or a knowledge then it doesn’t mean that it is the end of it whereas maybe it isn't complete then it needs another science and another understanding for development, integration and renewal
And it is clear that diminution of the science is diminution of the mind or its limited, it is –at the material- the first material essence and the source material for the science and thought, but each material needs what is around him then he is not complete without integration and development then what results from him will accept the development in the future and is not complete at the present
In the same time (the material mind) even if some material sciences become easy for him but he is lower in front of the immaterial sciences especially the Invisibles, moral world, non-sensed matters and other worlds, and he became limited in material world
And the simple evidence on that he never reach to origin of the creatures, if it is supposed at the some that the universe is result of the large explosion but they never reach to way and cause of explosion
Clearly the mind in the material side is able to keep steps with the material matters even gradually but he is not able to keep steps with the moral, invisible, immaterial matters and so
If it was said that inability of mind to keep steps with these matter is clear evidence for non- conviction in them, then who doesn’t become convinced generally or doesn’t become convinced in Existence of Allah then he is excused and it should not say that he is sinful or disbeliever and so
I say, the answer is by several things, from them
The first answer: ifthe human and the mind are material at the material people but they aren't pure material, the reason of result that they became material is myopia and preference the material side at them on the moral and invisible side with very highpercentage, then the mind and the human at them are made on the material matters, but if the person is just then he can train his mind on the moral and invisible matters
The second answer: even if the material side couldn’t prove the hidden matters and Existence of Allah but he couldn’t prove the contrary, and if it was said that what isn't proved then it is denied, we say, no. There are several possibilities for that, from them
The first possibility: the mind neglected it then there is no reason to deny it, especially if we know that no one say that the mind is infallible and perfect
The second possibility: non-proving it in the material science doesn’t mean non-proving it in the hidden sciences, but it may mean proving it or possibility of proving it by the hidden and moral science, especially after paying attention that the material matters aren't proved by the (hidden science) but it is to know the and prove the hidden (invisible) and moral matters, the evidence of the material is material as we said, and the evidence of hidden is hidden mostly
We can say with another step, it is difficult but impossible to prove the hidden matters by the material proving, and its impossibility is because it is out of will of heaven due to several reasons
The first reason: proving the hidden matters by material matters means that they aren't hidden and make them not for what they were made to it
The second reason: proving it by the material means removal the test of heave by the Creator for the creatures whereas making the hidden matters in the material matters will make them from the postulate then it will cause one of two probability
The first probability: the faith in it is easy thing and don’t require reward, and even deny it doesn’t require punishment
The second probability: denying these hidden matters that were proved by the material mind means the punishment for each one deny it but for the human
The third answer: if we accept that the material science can deny Existence of Allah but it cannot deny the material things which issued from Him which need First Issued for these material things, therefore non-proving His Existence glory to him doesn’t mean deny Him, but as we said that proving His Existence by the material mind is impossible whereas the mind cannot perceive the religion so how about Allah Glory to Him, the sign can perceive His material signs but cannot perceive His Essence and Invisibles just if the human trains his mind to enter (understand) the moral world and hidden world otherwise the human and his mind will stay in the material side whatever he reached to it in proving the matters. Don’t you see that the human cannot make the moral things absolutely even if he did well in other sciences, but he never make the material things from the nonexistence beside making the moral and hidden things that they are by will of heaven
So O man, indeed you have to surely run towards you Lord, and to meet Him, Don’t exceed the proper limits in material denial and proving, and don’t try to change the divine rules according to your appetite and thoughts, and don’t make mistakes of some who follow the hidden as reasons to deny the hidden otherwise the mistakes of some materials will lead to wrong of the mind and deny him
But we maintain that Allah did well everything but you don’t allege that the mind did well everything, so your wrong will be more, then the estrangement from you will be more, so don’t exceed the limits and don't rise above whereas whatever the material mind rises but he will not be useful in the Day that neither money nor sons will benefit just whom Allah kept from that
Slave of Allah: Muqtada Al-Sayyid Muhammad Al-Sadr









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