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Islamic Cultural AL-sadr Forum .Related in the subjects that explain the right culture of islam

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قديم 09-02-2016, 04:13 PM   #1

الصورة الرمزية الاستاذ

الملف الشخصي
رقــم العضويـــة : 12
تـاريخ التسجيـل : Oct 2010
العــــــــمـــــــــر :
الـــــدولـــــــــــة : العراق
االمشاركات : 13,354

افتراضي Questions that the nature is unable to answer them-part one

Questions that the nature is unable to answer them-part one

There are many universal and natural phenomena that the natural science are not able to explain them , the science that European materials called for it , its inability proves the Divine wisdom and planning, they believe that there is no science just their science and this is a selfishness and pride because the other have science also , isn't the philosophy a science ?isn't the jurisprudence a science ? isn't the theology a science and there are other sciences but hidden , the magic is a science , the semiotic is a science , evoking the jinn is a science in addition to that theirs sciences are worldly and limit while our sciences are for the present life and after life and the after life is wider and it's infinitive science "you knew a thing and many things are hidden from you , the hidden things are uncountable"
We will mention some examples
First : the sense
The apple has color , weigh and touch …etc. all things can be sensed , they say that the bodily members see , hear and sense

(and that's not right , the soul does that through bodily members ) but if we agree with them , something will remain that's called

(common sense ) in the theology and philosophy science whereas the weigh of apple and its color and size gather in the soul then we saw the apple with all its properties they failed to explain this common sense , the eye sees , the ear hears but the common sense is material also where is it? It's moral concept by God's success and mercy to see and know the things with all its properties . This common sense isn't existent in the natural science with reference that all senses can't be explained for any human and for any animal only by the common sense because the senses are disarranged
Second : the memory
How do you remember things ? where are these things , million things are stored , they come by calling them if we notice the weigh of brain cells are about (1-1.5) kilo however it remembers million things but where do these things gather, gather in a CD there is no mind equals to the human mind and all these things are from the soul not from the body because if it's from the body it will fail while the soul doesn't break down
Three: yawning
why does the human yawn ? what is their answer ? the human lung needs more air , so why does he open his mouth in a way that he couldn't close it during this action and take the air in a way that he couldn't prevent it I need air so I take a big breath , the yawning that imposed on me why? Allah shows us His ability in it if we have a power so let prevent the yawning and we couldn't , Glory to Allah

(…can't create a fly , even though they combine together for the purpose ….)Surah Al-Hajj

Source : The Friday prayers of Al-Sayed Mohammed Al-Sader- Friday 14- the second sermon









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