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قديم 13-09-2016, 03:24 PM   #1

الصورة الرمزية الاستاذ

الملف الشخصي
رقــم العضويـــة : 12
تـاريخ التسجيـل : Oct 2010
العــــــــمـــــــــر :
الـــــدولـــــــــــة : العراق
االمشاركات : 13,350

بقلمي Arrest or Assassination: part three\ By Ali Al-Zaidi

In this sensitive stage from the time, the occupier and his tails made several studied steps to stand against the resistors especially from Al-Imam Al-Mahdi army whereas they did the following
First: Defame the figures of honor mujahedeen by shoving perverted persons and giving them the title of resistors to make the people hate the name of resistance
Second: Giving promises for Iraqi nation that the American and Iraqi authority are serious in working for constructing of Iraq and turning back all civil services from water and electricity but those who name themselves resistors hinder the work therefore we cannot do it due to what they do from threat and destruction therefore the Iraqi nation should tell and give accurate information on any one belong to Al-Imam Al-Mahdi army to arrest him to continue in the constructing and building
Three: Facing the resistors from Al-Sadereen by big violence and destructive weapon which doesn't come just from side wants to annihilate all those honor and their families then they threw the bombs of napalm on them in war of Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf and surrounded Al-Sader city and bomb their houses as it happened in sector (10) and also they shot randomly on the unarmed civil from women , children and old men as it happened clearly in the first regain Al-Sader city in the sectors (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) and also the bad violating in Karbala ,Basrah ,Imara ,Nasiriya, Dewaniya and so on, all of these happened by American weapon and hand some times and by American weapon and hand called Iraqi apparently who sold their honor and nationality by some dollars, all of these to frighten them and annoying them to leave this honor title from side and to send a threat message for anyone try to enter in this honor resistance from another side

Fourth : The Iraqi government worked and insisted on an important matter that's never giving the name of honor resistance against the occupier especially Al-Imam Al-Mahdi army because there is not existence for the occupier on the Iraqi lands but they are International alliance forces and they are friends forces came to save Al-Iraq from tyrant (Saddam) all of these happened in order not to accuse them that they are agents for the occupier and they are tails to him who work during agendas that serve the benefit of the occupier because if they confessed with the resistance then it is confessing that they are agents and traitorous for their country therefore the unjust Iraqi government insisted to follow the resistors by title that they are out of law and they are criminals till the present time and also insisted on giving the occupier name of alliance forces and friends forces that came to save and liberate Iraq and sacrificed by their soldiers for this principles and to deepen this matter the previous prime ministers visited America then he visited the graves of American soldiers whom were killed in Iraq and put flowers on them as gratefulness for them on the basis that they were killed for liberating of Iraq

To be continued
Ali Al-Zaidi









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التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة خادم البضعة ; 13-09-2016 الساعة 06:19 PM
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