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Islamic Cultural AL-sadr Forum .Related in the subjects that explain the right culture of islam

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قديم 24-04-2017, 11:05 PM   #1

الصورة الرمزية الاستاذ

الملف الشخصي
رقــم العضويـــة : 12
تـاريخ التسجيـل : Oct 2010
العــــــــمـــــــــر :
الـــــدولـــــــــــة : العراق
االمشاركات : 13,351

ختم The Hidden matters of the prophetic mission and night of Al-Qadr\By Al-Sayyid Muqtada Al-Sadr on 24\4\2017

In the name of Allah the Compassionate the Merciful
The Hidden matters of the prophetic mission and night of Al-Qadr
Maybe many from you wonder about the difference between the prophetic mission which coincident 27 of Rajab and (night of Al-Qadr) in Ramadan month , and many of them mix it with the occasions and reach to (the night of Mohammad's ascension) but no way for this suspicion especially the last one
Whereas if we want illustrate the suspicion we will say: the prophetic mission is a day which is similar to the night of Al-Qadr whence the descending of Al-Quran, the two occasions are the descending of Al-Quran then it can say by emerging them and there is no difference between them from this side. And this led to rise an idea which I see it is free from the evidences that is the saying of the moral descending in Al-Bait Al-Ma'mour and the descending in prophetic mission, in spite of that there is no objection to it but this will be according to our incapable and low understanding (we who aren't infallibles) because this side doesn't comply with the messenger and infallibles, and the two days are the same at him whence that he is a messenger from the first moment from his message whatever it was and there is no difference in the time and place in it
In general, I can use the system of ideas to differentiate between the prophetic mission and night of Al-Qadr without the day of Al-Isra' and Al-Mi'raj which has no relevance in proving (mission, message and descending) but it is an event that comply before and after these events, I mean the mission, message and descending
Before mentioning the differences I have to give brief meanings which suit the search in these events and titles
As to the prophetic mission , Allah said: He it is Who sent among the unlettered ones messenger…), Al-Raghib said: the sent is evoking the matter and directing it
Hence we can say that the sent is directing Mohammed bin Abdullah to guide the people and bring good news to them
As for the messengers and it is as Al-Raqhib says: the sent by the deliberately and the messenger from that
I say: the message means the sent who carry a message with specific meanings, whereas when Allah sent Mohammed bin Abdullah to all worlds and gave him the message of love, mercy and morals as narrated from him: I was sent to complete nobility of character
As for the descending: Al-Raghib differentiated between them: the first one is in many times and the second is in one time, the first is relating in Al-Quran only , Allah said(We have revealed it by stages) and the second is more general, Allah said (and We have sent down from the rainy clouds abundant water) and said (We have sent it down in the night of Al-Qadr)...read book of, the words of Al-Raghib
and we are in doctrine of the twelve (imams) believe and say in the difference of the two occasions, I mean the prophetic mission and night of Al-Qadr, so we should explain that by the following points (ideas supported by evidences) which are taken from the Ayahs (verses), speeches and narrations and so
The first: day of mission is day of the sending down, I mean sending down of the first Ayah (Read with the name of your Lord), and night of Al-Qadr is day of sending down all of Quran
The second: day of mission is the day that Mohammed Bin Abdullah was sent to all worlds, and night of Al-Qadr is day of sending down of the Holy Quran
The third: day of mission is day of the message, and night of Al-Qadr is day of sending down (whether the first Ayah or all the Quran) especially that the objective sequence is as the following
One: Allah sent a person. Two: He gives him a message to notify it to all worlds. Three: He support him by a miracle that’s sending down the Quran. From these points we give the fourth point
The fourth: day of mission is day of the prophecy and sending down of the inspiration disregarding on what was issued or what was said in it, and night of Al-Qadr is day of the supporting by miracle of the Quran completely (and there is another important notice that’s all the prophets pass by several stages: one: the infallibility two: the prophecy three: the message four: the miracle. And maybe we exclude the three point , and it is not time to mention that
The fifth: day of mission is as what Al-Sayyid the father said that "it is sending the inspiration down on him and sending him by message of Islam in the beginning of message in cave of Hera by the first Ayahs in Surah of Al-A'laq with (in the name of Allah the Compassionate the Merciful), and night of Al-Qadr is sending down of Quran all at the same time or time after time according to the differences of the opinions and the interpretations
The sixth: day of mission is the day that the messenger was notified by the message between him and between Allah and he didn’t notify the people by it according to the order as Allah said, (O {Mohammed} do not cause your tongue to move along with the Quran in order to learn it faster) so day of mission is the day of the first sending down, and night of Al-Qadr is day of announcement about it
The seventh: the prophetic mission is specialized by the messenger only by any of the previous matters whether the mission or the message or the prophecy, but night of Al-Qadr differs from this side whereas she is day of the light that was sent between his hand, whereas Allah said, (Therefore accept faith in Allah and His noble messenger and the light which we have sent down; and Allah is Well Aware of what you do) and there are many explanations about the light: the first: it is the Holy Quran whether we said that the Quran was sent down all at the same time or time after time. The second: it is the infallibility, but this idea leads to that night of Al-Qadr is before day of mission, and it is difficult to interpret this idea. The third: it is the imamate that’s Ali Bin Abi Talib and supporting the prophecy and the message by the imamate
The eighth: in spite of its difficulty and its secrecy but we can say briefly that day of mission has its special inspiration that’s the direct notification from Allah Glory to Him whereas He told him by the prophecy or any another matter, and night of Al-Qadr is specialized by Jibreel (Gabriel), it is enough now. And we have another ideas and maybe we mention them later









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