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 مكتبة آل الصدر

الكتب The speaking Marji'ya (religious reference) The happy martyr Al-Sayyid Mohammed Al-Sadr is example

القسم القسم: مكتبة آل الصدر التاريخ التاريخ: ٤ / ٣ / ٢٠١٨ م المشاهدات المشاهدات: ٤٨٣٧ التعليقات التعليقات: ٠

The speaking Marji'ya (religious reference)
The happy martyr Al-Sayyid Mohammed Al-Sadr
is example

By\ Muqtada Mohammed Al-Sadr

 The speaking Marji'ya (religious reference)

The happy martyr Al-Sayyid Mohammed Al-Sadr

is example



By\ Muqtada Mohammed Al-Sadr


In the name of Allah the Merciful the Compassionate

If we study biography of the leaders in any time and place but even the prophets and the infallibles and the guardians in each age and conditions, we will see that there are lovers , followers and haters , enemies for them with different degrees of love and hatred and following and enmity , according  to their degrees.

And it is known that there are persons who don't have portion from love and loyalty nor hatred and enmity, and maybe the word which describes them as modern term is ( the neutral) , who don't have any attitude of supporting and following by any degree of their degrees, nor any attitude of enmity and hatred by any degrees of their degrees too.

And there is no difference in that between the worldly leaders or other worldly leaders –so to speak- or those who have worldly legitimate and supporting as the tyrants who control by the force and violence , or the worldly leaders who impose their force and authority by the modern worldly bases as the democracy or the coup and so.

And this includes even the heavenly and the Divine leaders as we said such as the prophets, the infallibles and the guardians equally , whereas there are followers for them who support and obey them , and apply their decisions and orders, but they sacrifice by each valuable, and in the same time there are many enemies who disobey their orders, and accuse them with pleas or without pleas , but they may try to kill them by any way without any deterrent .

Hence there are three parts:-

The first: The supporters, those who follow that leader with charity.

The second: The opposed, they don't convince by his leadership in any case, and they don't follow him with all cases.

The third: The neutral, those who follow way of neutrality, neither the supporting nor the enmity.

And our saying in the first part (follow that leader with charity) I mean by (charity) that those who follow that leader with trust and tranquility, and they are as the dead between the hands of washer – as they express- and apply all has attitudes and advices besides his decisions and orders, and be good not bad for him whoever the leader was, worldly or otherworldly as we said. In addition to that there are some persons from those who are considered as supporters but they don't follow their leader with charity , and they don't have the trueness in their following, and they don't follow him with trust and tranquility, but they are unsteady , or they ignore that they are from those who don't follow him with charity, therefore we mentioned that there are many degrees in the first and second parts especially , and in the three parts generally so it should not ignore that however.

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pdf 1520121492.pdf (الحجم: ٥٧٩ ك.ب)
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