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Husseini Researches Forum Lessons from Imam Hussain revolution

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قديم 19-11-2013, 12:04 AM   #1

الصورة الرمزية الطالب

الملف الشخصي
رقــم العضويـــة : 374
تـاريخ التسجيـل : Aug 2011
العــــــــمـــــــــر :
الـــــدولـــــــــــة : العراق
االمشاركات : 5,133

حسين Between the leadership of Islam and the leadership of West

In the name of God


Our God created this wonderful world and made the systems and the laws for this world and put everything in its right way, he created the human being and gave him the mind which by it the human can distinguish between the right and the wrong thing, However, the mind can't understand everything in the world, so that, the God sent his messengers , he says in the Quran (We have already sent Our messengers with clear evidences and sent down with them the ******ure and the balance that the people may maintain [their affairs] in justice…) Surat Al-Ĥadīd

God sent messengers and religions to guide the people to the right way and by Islam he completed the religions, and by prophet Mohammed completed the Prophecy.

But we see the deformation against Islam became Widespread, thus , the enemy of Islam increased , on the other hand, we see that the veneration and holiness for the Western civilization and only they can lead the world and it gives the rights to the human beings ,therefore, we can ask the following question.

Who can lead the world?

Leadership : is the most important element to lead groups of people, whether these groups are Political, social, or religious group.

If any group doesn’t have leader, this group will lost the system.

We can mention some characters of leader to know who can lead the world.
The first character \ the justice with the followers

It is one of the most important characters which any leader must have it; the leader must be just with his followers and doesn’t differentiate between them.
for example of leaders of Islam is Imam Hussein because his revolution was to remove the injustice from the people at that time , he wanted the good for all nations, and he cried on his enemies for they were on wrong way although they wanted to kill him, did the History mention leader cried on his enemies ?
On the contrary, the leaders of the west don’t have justice, but they have sectarianism , racialism, and the poverty is widespread in their countries; AL-Sayed Mohammed AL-Sader said (...the freedom means equal opportunities to get the economic job to all people , and this is can be found for them ,only Theoretically it is obvious thing that the strongest and most clever can exploit this opportunity and freedom , and let millions people seek for the food and ****ter , in fact , there is no freedom for them from practical side , only few people who have rights and freedom because they have money and control on the society , and there is no equality in Opportunities . all these things can be found in their countries , therefore , we see the Protests and the Demonstrations and oppressed people are killed when they are demanding their rights ..) 25th Friday

Ratio of the poor in America about 49 million people, this contrasts with their claim so, their leaders have no justice.

The Second character \ the right treatment with his followerst

There is no difference between the leader and the follower because both of them have a responsibility.
so , the successful leader who treat his followers in good way ,we see how Imam Hussein treated his followers ,he was not tyrant, but in the most difficult situation when thousands of his enemies collected to kill him ,in spite of this, he allowed them to leave him , but there is no relation between the leaders and the followers in the west; they deprive them from right of expression of the opinion , AL-Sayed Mohammed AL-Sader said ,(they claim that all people have the right to speak as they want without any censorship and the capital countries regard it a subject of pride for it , and the Radical countries claim the same thing , in fact , this is not ensured in the capitalist countries and the Radical countries because there are many weakness points :

The first point : we said, this freedom found formally , but it not found reality because it does not include the main system of country or its secrets, and everyone disagree their policy they will punish him ,so that , there is no freedom .

The second point: Devices of media in the capitalist countries under control of the state, and people cannot speak as they want, except if they are followers of the state, so that, freedom is not found in this side.

The third point: Even if there is a limit chance for some people to say their opinion as it may happened sometimes through Journals ,demonstration ,and protests , this opinion will be neglected by the main countries not only in the Radical countries , maybe they say ( you can say anything , but we neglect your opinion) thus , there is no effect for the protests and discussion ) 25th Friday

The third character \ the leader must be courageous

the leader surely will face some attitudes ,in which he'll need the courage ,just as Imam Hussein did when he refused homage (Yazeed Ibn Muawiya) in his saying (person like me doesn’t pay homage to person like Yazeed ), although the force at that time owned by the state .
AL-Sayed Muqtada AL-Sader against the west
In this time, the force and the dominion of the west have increased the people became afraid from them except one person his name (Muqtada AL-Sader) who work to unite the people, therefore, Israel afraid from him and from his followers, if the people follow him and apply his orders, whereupon the injustice will be end and Israel and America will be defeated.
Results of the research
First: Islam is the only religion which can lead the world because it has devices by them; the world becomes better than now.

Second: the revolution of Imam Hussein is best example that reflects the shining picture of Islam, which enemies of Islam is working to deform reputation of it .









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