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قديم 06-08-2018, 11:51 AM   #1

الصورة الرمزية الاستاذ

الملف الشخصي
رقــم العضويـــة : 12
تـاريخ التسجيـل : Oct 2010
العــــــــمـــــــــر :
الـــــدولـــــــــــة : العراق
االمشاركات : 13,350

افتراضي The interview with the researcher and thinker Mr. Ali Al-Zaidi in Baghdadi cultural center

The interview with the researcher and thinker Mr. Ali Al-Zaidi in Baghdadi cultural center
The interviewer: In the name of Allah the Compassionate the Merciful
Peace of Allah be upon you our viewers
Here from Baghdadi cultural center, whence the thought gathers with the pen and the genuineness with the knowledge, we hold a conversation, and we hope a new future scope through our questions which were answered by the master and thinker Mr. Ali Al-Zaidi about the situation of just state of Al-Imam Al-Mahdi
Peace of Allah be upon you our master
Mr. Ali Al-Zaidi: Peace, mercy and blessing of Allah be upon you
The interviewer: our virtuous master,we'd like to draw a picture for us through your vision and knowledge for the role {of theatre} ,or is there a theater in the coming just state which is led by Al-Imam Al-Mahdi
Mr. Ali: Yes, there is important thing that’s the theater is International language, the nation use it to show their culture and solve their problems, and sometimes it can draw a picture for the future through the theater, or there is a problem needs solution, and it will be through the theater by the existence of Al-Imam Al-Mahdi regarding that he has the absolute justice and comprehensive theory for the universe. There are many facts and grievances during the history, we often read or hear about Doomsday or Resurrection
What does Al-Quran say or what does Allah say? (Sharp is your sight this Day). This sharp sight doesn't mean hardness but the strength of sight, it means the strength of sight at the human resembles with the strength of iron, whereas he sees the facts one after one, and from the these facts is the grievances that befell on Prophet family, or say the grievances that befell the prophets, guardians and pious people
How they suffered and passed in cruel circumstances, especially the case which filled the universe by cry, his blood was shed to liberate the human being and for the universe to get the human out of the abjectness of slavery to the dignity of freedom,and the direct reason of creating the human being represented by the revolution of Al-Hussein
These blood which were formed through this revolution, and these sacrifices which we hear about it whereas it was in the old past, this hearing itself effects on us in human side before the doctrinal side regarding that Al-Imam al-Hussein gave his life for the freedom in general with evidence that some of those who participated with him are non-Muslims. This picture due to its severity and its severe effect needs to gradation. It means not directly, the facts will appear when we move from present life to afterlife. It may be surprises there. There may be previous readiness, it means before the direct facing; we need introduction which pay the way for us to receive this case because it is painful case which harms the sucker that the hearts and minds collapse then the theater will be the attention, will Al-Imam make the theater remain? We chose it {the theatre} in order not to feel an aversion directly for seeing - the ugliness of Husseini scene – the martyrdom of Al-Imam Al-Hussein. The theater is the best means to show the introductions, it means there maybe data which Al-imam use them
for qualified people for theatrical work with high donation. We can use Al-Hussein case and remove accumulations regarding that whenever we be far in the age, the case changes it means the picture changes. there are additions and there are omitting,but Al-imam by dialogue he will give the realistic side because he is the legal heir for prophet Mohammed then the words will be right, it means when he writes the story of Al-Hussein martyrdom the letters will be luminance,the letters will be realistic, so when there is embodiment for this event through the theater in International scope, you can imagine how the picture will be conveyed. This simple picture which Al-Mawkib conveys , when we work in it, or what it is called Al-Tashabeeh in narrow scope, we may do badly to Al-Imam through it,or do badly the prophet family in general. I can't convey this picture to the out scope {the culture scope} by its concept , by what they want understand the cases through the theater as international platform with professionalism by the players, and with real **** not distorted and with high performance. Many concepts will change about the blessed Husseini revolution, and many people may enter Al-Islam through the theater, and cry with high voice; long live Al-Hussein. The humanity formed on these concepts, there is who is guided through a word, there is who is guided through specific scene, there is who is guided through the inspiration of conscience voice, there is who is guided by a dream for example, and there is who is guided through reading, pen and there is who is guided through seeing a play
Al-Imam Al-Mahdi will use this media side. Indeed he is more skillful from many who exploited the theater for non-human cases
The interviewer: excellent our master,it means the case of Al-Imam Al-Hussein is rich in, there are many human reflections
Mr. Ali: bestowal case which touch all minds and hopes of human society
The interviewer: excellent our master
Mr. Ali: may Allah reward you
The interviewer: this vision is wonderful for bright future even in the field of dramatic work
Mr.Ali: it means the artists don't fear!! There will be high role for them
The interviewer: it may be quality move through such human cases which are deep in feeling…
Mr. Ali: excellent, especially if the **** is right and free from distortion and others
The interviewer: we hope our master to give us an another picture which is approximate to it, as this cultural tower; for example there are cultural forms like Eiffel tower
Will Al-Imam build such cultural towers? Will he keep on these cultural towers such as Eiffel tower; many other towers
Mr.Ali: freedom statue for example
The interviewer: freedom statue for example
Mr. Ali: the matter of statue be within the field of symbol, this word has many concepts and these concepts aren't new or due to the contemporary condition, but from the beginning of creation even it is said that talismans and other consider within the symbol
The prophets, reformers and infallibles didn't disapprove this mental and human building, but sometimes there are supporting from the infallible in this regard, he included many facts and use symbol to refer to them, hence it can form the society in the age of the infallible by that
The human cases which preceded their existence – it means the current form them by various symbols. We pay attention to this important side There aren't symbols or symbolism for the inventive persons in the human society; for example Ibrahim the father of all religions Christianity, Judaism, Islam and others ,they confess by the fatherhood of Ibrahim
The interviewer: a deep pioneer in the human existence
Mr. Ali: heavy peg, and has direct effect on the human and cultural movement. By the way where is the symbolism of this man
The interviewer: There isn't
Mr. Ali: Ibrahim was a nation, where is the symbolism of this man that all claim their relation with him? Therefore we need to this symbol, on contrary, Al-imam will activate this side for Ibrahim
Mohammed peace of Allah be on him and on his family, {We as Muslims} what did we do as a symbol to speak with the others (out) through it
The interviewer: There isn't
Mr. Ali: but you said Eiffel tower or freedom statue because it is effective, even we as Muslims , this statue effected on uswhether directly or indirectly, when you made for people of humanity {they say the freedom}; for example freedom statue is Mohammed, he is freedom statue
Ibrahim is father of humanity also Noah's progeny besides the sacrifice which Imams presented. All these things need to symbol regarding this symbol is base from bases of humanity even the attribute of Islam as Islam {as Islamic mission} needs to symbol . Not this only, even the Christianity by what was descended on Isa needs to symbol and statue even the Judaism needs to statue by what was descended on Musa
The case of forming the symbols is basic caseand the cultural statue is basic case in mental side at the human societyand Al-Imam Al-Mahdi will confesses them
The interviewer: our master we will move from the cultural symbol to historical symbol or we can say the historical effect, various historical effects, cities and pyramids for example
How will the just state deal with it and how will look to it?How will they deal with these antiquitiesregarding they represent other civilizationswhereas it is said that these civilizations don't belong to the monotheism religions?
Mr. Ali: of course the calamity now that the Islamic side which the west wants unfortunately destroyed {Daesh and others}. They destroyed Mosul the Assyria civilization and it is challenge for the civilization regarding that this memorials or heritage in general represents the historical depth. The real historical vision for the long humanity march So what is the reason behind destruction these historical things? This refers to the ignorance and arrogance of this terrorism scope which they have. We are proud of this historical things for what they have from depth which not all of them are bad but there are cultural features were founded regarding there are 124 thousand of prophets. If you divided these numbers during all age of the earthas cultural scope at least or the culture is 7000 year or more or less. Sure they will have cultural role but their news or names didn't reach to us but more names as the philosophers or thinkers who raised to the human highness. It is possible that they were prophets in their ages. There are various opinions for our religious guides that. Socrates or Aristotle or Plato or even Confucius may have true seat in the infallibility tendency or Divine inspiration the civilizations will be formed by the existence of these blessed beings when we see high civilizations we look to them and ignore its causes or those who gave practical applications to form these civilizations then all civilizations or most of them there are imprint for them, but hidden for this Divine being which represent by messengers and prophets or even the reformers, and if this cultural building was built by creative and scientific mind, then we have to be proud of these minds and we have to keep on this historical heritage
Too important notice. Now we see many heritage but in fact they aren't all historical heritage. We read more about the previous civilizations
The interviewer: Sumerian
Mr. Ali : Sumerian, Assyrian, Akkadian and Babylonian;all of them are high civilizations and many civilizations had formed from them. Many of them were hidden, it means there are earth settlement which didn't make them appear or the drilling wasn't appeared all history civilizations Al-Imam will work to appear what were hidden and they are more whereas we don't keep on our treasuresespecially in the East or especially in Iraq, more of our heritage exposed to stealbecause there aren't sincere people in the government. So to keep on these heritages; the explorers will not reach to them but Al-Imam Al-Mahdi will work hard to show these cultural things because it is part from humanity culture
The interviewer: excellent, it means Al-imam Al-Mahdi defends on the humanity from Adam till our days
Mr. Ali: he is father of humanity. Now if we form a real picture for Al-Imam Al-Mahdi and how he will undertake the humanity, then we {the humanity society} will be eager to receive him but this dark picture and deviated Islamic parties make wall after wall in order not to reach to Al-Imam Al-Mahdi but Al-Imam Al-Mahdi at his blessed appearance there will be great happiness even some said that the honorable appearance is the Paradise itself
The interviewer: excellent our master let's move from the human being to the animal. Are there laws which protect the rights of animal in the just state
Mr. Ali: even the animal has laws which protect it regarding that it is part from this universe. If it isn't part then it wasn't created. When we said that Allah didn't create the creature in vain, certainly the existence of animals with their difference kinds and genders have role in forming the wonderful picture for this universe, we turned them to evils because {these animals} if they saturated their instincts then they shouldn't have any savagery in the age of Al-imam the sheep eats with wolf. We can conclude from this speechthat this is the general prospective which Al-imam look through it to the creatures in general not only to the humanity. This is the infallibility side, when we read the narration that the sheep eats with the wolf certainly he wants to reach letter to us; what is it? This savage animal which be wild because of your ignorance By the way, we made the human be wild so how about the animals, we didn't support the human so how can we cooperate with animals in general? When there is complete saturation for all animals
Also there is important point. The earth will get out its best things; for example the salty earth doesn't produce any plant. There are many animals eat plants , they will emigrate or perish but when the earth is invested in right way, the deserts are planted and invested, the nature can move streamlined, it means as Allah created it, the human prevented even this nature side by gases, wars and factories
The interviewer: Global warming also
Mr. Ali: excellent, the plants will give complete fruits, and the animals will eat completely even the other animals which live on each other they will have satisfaction whereas they deal with matters as human in special or as human in complete safety, we can say, making reconciliation
The interviewer: excellent master, it reconcile with all being
Mr. Ali: excellent, the being reconciles with each other, it means everything in this being speak, everything in this being speak and seek for their integrity then when everything in this being seek for their integrity then there will be reconciliation and walk toward Allah because it is the main demand for this being
The interviewer: excellent our master, your answers were good, and drew wonderful picture for the happy future of humanity
We were with you in another part from dialogue about Al-Imam
Al-Mahdi with thinker and writer Mr. Ali Al-Zaidi, we will meet you in another part
Peace, mercy and blessing of Allah be upon you









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