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قديم 17-02-2021, 01:26 PM   #1

الصورة الرمزية الاستاذ

الملف الشخصي
رقــم العضويـــة : 12
تـاريخ التسجيـل : Oct 2010
العــــــــمـــــــــر :
الـــــدولـــــــــــة : العراق
االمشاركات : 13,353

افتراضي How is Archeology a conclusive evidence on knowing Al-Imam Al-Mahdi

How is Archeology a conclusive evidence on knowing Al-Imam Al-Mahdi (peace be upon him) and trueness of his call? \ BY Mr. Ali Al-Zaidi
When Al-Imam comes (peace of Allah be upon him) and gets the Bible, Gospel and other Heavenly Books out of cave in Antakya , Antakya is in Turkey in Hatay province, it lies on Eastern coast in Turkey on The Mediterranean Sea, it is 19 Km from North West Syria, Antakya was belonging to Syria at the age of Ottoman rule but after First World War and under the French mandate, it was returned to Turkey
The dialogist: Those who lurk in Al-Imam, why don't they get out these books
Mr. Ali Al-Zaidi: They can't reach to it, if you remember, I said in the previous episode that what they discovered from fossils don't exceed 10%, it means there are many fossils which were hidden from us, they need deeper means to discover these things, they remained preserved for Al-Imam Al-Mahdi (peace of Allah be upon him). We say: if they reached to them, they will hide these fossils because they harm their interests therefor they were preserved for Al-Imam Al-Mahdi (peace of Allah be upon him). Yes, when he gets these books out – of course they have timescale_ he will show the chronological age of Bible and Gospel they will be asymptotical or simultaneous with the existence of Allah's prophet, Musa (Moses) peace of Allah be upon him or prophet Isa (Jesus) peace of Allah be upon him, I want to emphasize on that in this episode, we said: thus the previous prophet gives clear evidence that the one who will get out this book or this Bible or this Gospel is Al-Imam Al-Hujja who will fill the earth with justice, you will say to me: how can it be out of the Bible, maybe there are many reasons; it means a picture which heralds to Al-Imam Al-Mahdi or heralds to the messenger Muhammad (blessing of Allah be upon him and upon his family regarding they know the Bible as they know their children because they were mentioned in their books in the first generation from Jewish or Christian priests, it is when he says: these are the characteristics of the person who will get out these books, this is his name, and these are his characteristics, what will they say about that? In the same chronological age! We said out of the Bible to be evidence on the trueness of Al-Imam Al-Mahdi (peace of Allah be upon him), it may be said to him: who are you? The person concerned to get out these books and fulfill the global justice, he will say: Yes, with the same result and same chronological depth, this is Prophets' seal, they say to you: these are my characteristics, and this is my name. What will they say?! Then the proof will complete These are from the best ways to attract the others especially those who claim that they are religious concerning the other religions. Attract them to Al-Islam. There is a big difference between dealing with them strongly and between presenting the evidence from their books, of course it will be Al-Imam is smart and he has ability to convince the other by evidence this matter will be publicly, not in front of their priests and monks only
Ali Al-Zaidi









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