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Statements and answers of questions of AL-Sayed Muqtada AL-Sader (Allah supports him Publish what write in papers only

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قديم 20-11-2013, 10:02 PM   #1

الصورة الرمزية الطالب

الملف الشخصي
رقــم العضويـــة : 374
تـاريخ التسجيـل : Aug 2011
العــــــــمـــــــــر :
الـــــدولـــــــــــة : العراق
االمشاركات : 5,133

ختم An Employee in a Security Company Abused to the Banner of Imam Hussein Referendum of AL-Sayed Muqtada AL-Sader 14 - 11 - 2013

In the name of God

To / Sayed Muqtada Al-Sader greeting & blessing of God on you

We saw through internet the last event in Basrah province whereas one employee who work in a security company abused to the banner of Imam Hussein , in the same time we saw the reaction of some who belong to the Shiism .

We would like to know your opinion about this event.
Qays Naji AL-Basri

In the name of God

The action of this employee was too bad or a crime but the reaction of some who belong to Shia were worse. it is not apart of our ethics that the holy Qur'an and our prophet Mohammed and his family have educated us, so what's the difference between us and the killers of our martyr Shihata (without comparison)

Yes, he must be punished because of his hatred to the family of our prophet but I denunciate this way of punishment in which they approved that they have no heart, no ethic and no mind.

In general, this employee should be judged and dismissed those who beat him and I apologize not from the occupied sides nor from those who hate our prophet and his family but I apologize from our prophet and his family from these unjust actions.
Signed by

Servant of humanity

Muqtada Al-Sader

9- Muharam -1435









التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة الطالب ; 18-01-2014 الساعة 01:50 PM
الطالب غير متواجد حالياً  
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