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Statements and answers of questions of AL-Sayed Muqtada AL-Sader (Allah supports him Publish what write in papers only

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قديم 17-09-2014, 11:59 PM   #1

الصورة الرمزية الطالب

الملف الشخصي
رقــم العضويـــة : 374
تـاريخ التسجيـل : Aug 2011
العــــــــمـــــــــر :
الـــــدولـــــــــــة : العراق
االمشاركات : 5,133

ختم Repeating of the Black House Attacks against the Iraqi Lands - A Statement of Al-Sayed Muqtada Al-Sader 15 - 9 - 2014

The "black house" decided to repeat its attacks against the holy Iraqi lands, the land of the righteous, holy men, in addition to the infallible and this American decision has come after their feeling with remorse for withdrawal from Iraq "artificial withdrawal". Its withdrawal was due to its suffering from fierce military resistance and the political resistance which made the "inauspicious American convention" like the air in the net"1", in addition to the blessed popular resistance.

I say, if you return, we'll return too and God will grant the victory to the believer fighters… and as we made you tasted the hotness of our fire and courage at first, we'll make you regret on this decision and this will make you regret in the future.

And from this base, we have some points:

First: The Iraqi government mustn’t ask the help from any occupier even under the excuse of Daash; they "Daash" have no existence only in the imagination, but America and the colonial destructive mentality made them.

Second: The fighters "Mujahideen" "2" in any occupied region in Iraq must leave these regions as soon as possible if the American forces or another force intervene overland or by sea directly or indirectly because asking for help from the unjust is forbidden, even if this help is against the unjust.

Third: I hope that there is a popular reaction as a demonstration or another thing which expresses on the real opinion of the people that they don’t sympathize with the occupier and reflect a picture that they are able to solve their problems by themselves.

Fourth: The international destinations like the Islamic countries conference, Arab League, the United Nations, and the humane and international organizations must prevent this; otherwise, this will be the beginning of the expansion of their influence in the east and west of the earth.

Our motto as "followers of AL-Sader Family" must be (AL-Hawza and the colonialism don’t meet and don’t deviate from it).

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1: an Arabic proverb which means that sb did an action and he didn’t get any benefit from it.

2. "In Muslim countries" soldiers who fight in support of their strong Muslim beliefs against the unbelievers and the occupiers.









التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة الطالب ; 25-11-2014 الساعة 09:10 PM
الطالب غير متواجد حالياً  
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