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Islamic Cultural AL-sadr Forum .Related in the subjects that explain the right culture of islam |
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The speech of Sayed Muqtada al-Sader on 20 Rabi' Al-Awal (12 January, 2015 Before many years, the Spanish people demonstrated against the terrorism that attacked their country at that time whereas millions of them had demonstrated in the street due to their love to the life and their hatred to the illegal terrorism and their tendency to the peace which motivated them to stand as one unit in spite of the differences in the nationalities and in the other things [/frame]They gave a great and beautiful picture about unity to face the danger forgetting their disputations between them. their demonstration had succeeded and the danger of terrorism shrunk because of their voices were higher than the voice of terrorism , oppression and unjust people , the safety & freedom will not be lost if there are people call for them while the rights will be lost if the nations keep silence and submit to the tyrants This kind of demonstration happened according to the religion motive not according to the secularism motive. imam Hussein was the first one who called for helping the oppressed people , he won and gave his holy blood to get the freedom , he said ' how far is the abjectness from us , I wasn't ungrateful when I fought the tyrant Yazeed but I fought for reforming ( it was a great reformation Calling for safety and defeating the terrorism are the best reformation, as the light can't be spread with the existence of darkness so removing the darkness is an introduction to spread the light, many Middle East countries especially those who suffer from poverty and oppression tried to reach the end of tunnel whereas there is a little light and hope but they failed because they didn't remove the darkness in order to spread the light There are many reasons behind the succession of Spanish demonstration First reason :- their doctrine and religion ( Christianity ), they believed that the first base of their religion is the peace and their prophet Jesus was the first one who call for peace and forgiveness in spite of separating the religion from policy but it doesn't apply on the all countries therefor I see that the religion motive is the first motive , they still respect those who don't drink wine or don't commit sins and regard them as saints , so they demonstrated to stand against any forbidden things in their religion laws or anything shakes the peace Second reason: - National motive, especially they don't reach to the degree that they hate their nations as in some Asian & African countries. the Spanish people love their country because it provided the safety, luxury and freedom for them while in some countries there are wars, oppression and poverty, lack of freedom so they hated their countries, we see some Muslims made Islam as a country for them and cancelled the geographical areas and the countries whereas their loves came according to religion laws as mentioned by their prophets and trustees " the love of the countries is a part of faith Love of country doesn't mean forgetting the religion but it's one of the religion basis they put the benefit of the country over the other benefits, they love each Muslim wherever he was, the national motive was an important reason for the demonstration in Europe, they cling to their religion and country at the same time to remove the danger in different ways such as the million demonstration Third reason: love of the life as we mentioned previously, especially a lot of them live in luxury on the contrast with the poor countries. They are ready to sacrifice for their religion & country The reasons mentioned above are the same reasons that lead the French people to demonstrate against the terrorism. But France differs from Spain in many matters; the important difference is the existence of Muslim community in France more than in Spain .and now we will mention the reasons that lead some of the communities to begin their terrorism attacks First reason: - as we mentioned above the largest community is in the France and this gave her the strength to begin their unjust works Second reason: - this community is too rigid on the contrast with other communities in some European countries Third reason: - the French government and all European countries know Islamic situation and all its sects and doctrine but they made hard efforts since ten years to embrace the terrorist community for the many reasons such as One: these communities are almost rich and their existence in European countries will bring benefits for them Two: the Western countries scare from the case of (the savior) so they embraced the Muslim community who kept away from the doctrine of savior and be rigid some times Three: the existence of this community in Europe had come according to the agreement between the European countries and the countries where they live Four: the government should do the following things with the existence of this Muslim community in a huge number in a country differ from them in norms, doctrine and their behaviors One: put laws comply with their different living Two:embracing their rigid religious men to reduce their danger Three:to deal with them in a modern way to make the rigid people get benefits from European openness Four: put a rigid systems with the countries where they come from especially most of them are not from opposition to their countries or from those who run away because of persecution five:the freedom in European countries means another thing for the rigid people and the French government understood it lately Fifth reason : the existence of some rigid Christians in France especially after deforming the shape of Islam led to attack the sanctuaries and the Islamic religious symbols and this thing disturbs us , France kept away from the Mohammadian Islam and approached from the others ( the approaching of rigid from the rigid will cause friction Hence the Eastern nations hated the Western nations because they abused to the prophet Mohammed and how strange! to attack the French journalism after abusing Abou Bekir ( the terrorist ) and he isn't an Islamic symbol and they didn't demonstrated when the French journalism abused to prophet Mohammed ( as they did with imam Hussein when they cut his head Sixth reason: the French government put laws against the Islam like preventing the veil which made the good people and right sects kept away from them and approaching the rigid people who concentrate on cutting heads and prevail their dominion all over the world The reasons of beginning their terrorism works and the previous works lead the nations to demonstrate they presented the people of authority and neglected the poor people who have a right doctrine and left the moderated people from the other sects who have good souls and themes and suffered from the rigid people in every place and time , and now they gnaw the French body as they did in Spanish body and may be they will gnaw the body of the other countries as the worm gnaws the tree , if they and their government left the temporary life benefits they will not suffer now a days and I want to compare between million awakening of European countries and between the inattention that we still live in it Although the long years that the terrorism activated in our countries , their terrorism didn't limit on exploding the train or attacking the newspaper but it attacked everything in the life in Pakistan , Afghanistan , Syria & Iraq , it is the clearest and oldest proof but the inattention is prevailing If we review the reasons of their million demonstrations, we will notice that it apply on us and for more illustration First reason: - although Islam prompted on Al-Jihad but it isn't the solution for everything and there are conditions for it which don't apply on the works of the terrorists in our countries and in the European countries The Islam basis are humanity, peace and ethic, our prophet had come to complete the ethic while Al-Jihad was put with the existence of the infallible who knows when it should be necessary we find many people left it with those who have the same nationalities and religion in spite of they are tyrants in order not to shake the unity of Islam So that our love to Islam should be a motive to love the peace and then stand with each other toward everything against the Islam and peace Second reason: - the national motive, it's the second motive to unite us to stand against the terrorism and terrorist not only by weapons but by discarding them, we should stand with our country before it does so and God will never change the situation of people unless they change themselves it means God will change the situation of the country if they change in their country What we suffer from the woes are related to our behaviors our submission and leaving our principles, the country isn't the reason behind our poverty and fear, our rights had lost because no one call for them and if someone did the other will leave him for political and party reasons …etc When we (Muslims in all its sects, doctrine) will overcome on their wounds and disputations to be as one unit to demonstrate in millions for our religion and country or write a convention to put an end to the existence of terrorism in our countries to stop the Islam blooding Till when the people will keep silence Third reason: - love of the life, in spite of our love for the life but we love to sacrifice our life to protect the religion and fight the terrorist to defeat him or to be martyrs and win the paradise, we love both life, either the life with the Islam and peace or under the soil near to God And this is our difference with the other religions we have the life always and forever Muqtada Al-Sader Translated by Al-Muntadhira
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة طالب علم ; 17-01-2015 الساعة 02:25 AM |
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