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قديم 22-08-2022, 02:25 PM   #1

الصورة الرمزية الاستاذ

الملف الشخصي
رقــم العضويـــة : 12
تـاريخ التسجيـل : Oct 2010
العــــــــمـــــــــر :
الـــــدولـــــــــــة : العراق
االمشاركات : 13,350

افتراضي Why did you enter in the elections and participated in the corru…ption

Why did you enter in the elections and participated in the corru…ption \ By the researcher and thinker Mr. Ali Al-Zaidi

A question is posed on Sadri movement frequently and they make it an ambiguity that's: You are part in this government and always have the large number in the parliament so you are part in the previous and present corru…ption system; the more so you should never enter in those governments and be far from the elections then you can speak about reformation and rejection the corru…ption, then demonstrate in the street?! The answer is as following

When the occup…ation entered Iraq they spread the notion of democracy and freedom in Iraq from the beginning, and they get help from group of parties and group from abroad to spread such rumors and lies, and fixation them in mentality of Iraqi that's we are in a new stage from the freedom and getting the rights of people by parliament which it will be the legal representative and will change all preconceptions and aftermaths of the previous dictat…orial system, considering that it is higher international system to manage the people to get their human hopes, and it is in most of states of world considering that it is better system for the humanity all satisfies the all. So non- participation Sadri movement in this election system then resort to steps oppose that will be refused from the people because the people understood that any changing and reformative deed should be in the parliament by entering in the elections, the occu…pation and the groups and parties that came with them made this matter by media and propaganda to make this feeling at the Iraqi people and accept that as axiom of political system to achieve the aim, so it becomes full in mentality of Iraqi especially Iraq lived in oppre…ssion and dicta…torship ties for long time then they wanted to try this new democracy system with force insistence emotional which America gave it that it is the solution only. So the one who calls to reformation should tries this way only event if he satisfies that it isn't useful for the reformation and the Sadri movement cannot say for the people that it isn't useful for the reformation because they will say, how do you say that and you didn’t try it?! So the Sadri movement was imposed on entering the political system and try to reform as much as possible with knowing that the Bremer constitution was prepared for the greed and benefits of parties and groups who belong to them and it isn't useful for the people

therefore the parliament itself faced the reformative steps by several ways by members of parliament who belong to parties and blocs that get benefit for themselves not for people and this happened in all parliamentary periods in the same manner. And when Sadri movement got the majority in last elections they tried to form the next government to move with high freedom to achieve the reformation gradually which they prevent them to achieve that previously but new explanation for Federal Court surprised them and prevented them to form government by making the on third who disable them and it is unique. But Sadri movement decided to reform in this period actually therefore they refused that they have high members with concurrence for division the cake (benefits) among the parties and blocs to return the same sufferance therefore they decided the withdrawal hence they was able to demonstrate and sit in because it is the only way for the changing

So we know why Sadri movement bore those years and accepted to be political partner because to make people understand that this parliamentary method harm them and benefit the parties only so here the Iraqi people and all rational of world will be silent and never blame Al-Sayyid Muqtada Al-Sadr and say to him, reform by the present parliamentary sessions, then all pleas fell down, so O Iraqi people! What do you wait after all previous trials of parliament and the liar promises of all groups whereas they confessed that they are corru…pters and made mistakes at the people. So O Iraqi get out and demand to reformation and be with thos who demonstrate for right after falling down all masks of lying and fabrication.

Ali Al-Zaidi

From sit-in square

Nearness of parliament of people










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